Saturday, April 3, 2010

Official Report Of DDZ blog : Dead

Ellow~~ JJ here, its been long since the last post =x Since DDZ Members
are lazy to upload new post now ==
Well, for fun, I will upload a post abt every member of

Name: Kern Wei ( Sentinel )
Status: Blur, In love, moody xD
Height: 175-177cm
Weight: 60-65kg
Hero Stats : Strength 33 ( Primary )
Agility 25
Intelligence 32
Hero Type : Strength
Movement Speed : 302
Skills : Burp - Deals 300 damage and slows nearby enemies for 55% / 15 sec CD
Pounce - Jumps 300 range and stuns target for 2.5 seconds if hit / 7 sec CD
Berserk ( Passive ) - Adds 15% MS / 10% Attack Speed per hit
Fudong - Deals 500 damage to target with 150 duration damage per second, stuns Target and slows target 75% for 7 seconds / 75 sec CD ( Ultimate )
Characther history :
This magnificent warrior camed from Seri Petaling, Rumors about him were scary, horrible. Yet, he is the bravest warrior within the sentinels, although he is quite a coward when he encounters cockroaches looking bugs. His ultimate was learned by listening some sort of tone that someone sended to him.

Xin Han
Status: Quiet, skinny, OkoK La
Height: 175-177cm
Weight: 48-55kg
Hero stats: Strenght: 28
Agility: 35
Intelligence: 35 ( primary )
Hero Type: Intelligence
Movement speed: 300
Skills: Scream - Deals 300 damage with 150 duration damage for 5seconds / 20sec CD
Eternal Blast - Slows target for 80% Deals 25% extra damage by magic / 35sec CD
Dulan ( passive ) - Makes target dulan, adds 50% MS and 40% AS to target
Cabut - Teleports back to own base without delay / 200sec CD

To be contnued...


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