Monday, August 10, 2009

The latest event of The Scouts™ was its very own "Masakan Rimba"
(Also known as "Backwood Cooking")

Days before the "Masakan Rimba" event, the scouts were arrange into a few different groups. Luckily, the DDZ's were arranged into the same group (JJ, XH, Si Cong, Nar Nar (Wei Lok), WeiWei, Theng Xian & Another guy i forgot his name le..i will update this when i find his name out). So they had alot of planning to do.
JJ suggested to bring some chicken for that day, he also planned to buy some fish. And like most of the time, WeiWei always goes mad (in terms of imagination). At first, his very ambitious ideas were to deep fry all the chicken JJ bought like you would normally see on TV, all the big fire burning everywhere, chicken tossing everywhere blablabla... But his ambitious ideas were useless. Becuz 1st, there is no way we can build a stainless steel kitchen in less then 2 hours, and NOBODY has good cooking skills... (too bad...)

Days before the event, early in the cloudy gonna-rain morning, 8a.m. GMT+8, the DDZs and other scout members (Inclouding Hamster, Eddmun, Vania, JunMen, Sze Yin, Ka Shiong, Ting En & NarNar) went wood hunting (= walking a long distance from the school and end up near a housing area with alot of trees and chop some dry dead ones for later burning.) They walked from the school to about a km away. Through the journey, they've encountered many strange creatures.
They've saw dead cats (could be a week ago's body), a dead bird, a dead tree, a dead ant, and some dead rocks, followed with a dead car!

After 2 hours of "wood hunting", it soon started to rain. It was HEAVY. Everyone reached back to school safely but in a wet sweaty manner!

The event started with the traditional way for starting any scout meeting. Jun Men (Our going-to-be scout leader) Commanded :" AWAS! Peeeengakap! SENANG DIRI!" followed by "REHAAAATKAAN DIRI!". As many of the scouts listened to his command, they quickly raised their foot and BOOM in onto the ground. A mini earth quake was created from the force of 60+++ scout feet.

Soon after change into their half uniform, they quickly ran to the school field like "Sakai" (Orang sangat asli) becuz everyone was over excited.

DDZ's team were very new to the "new" way of cooking (old jungle way). Normally at home, they will either push and twist the fire ignition switch like a car and say: " WOW!! BLUE AND YELLOW FLAME!! AAAAAAHHHH!!". Or they will turn on the electric switch and press "On" with no fire but magnetic heat thing and whining jet sounds.

At first, they've saw everyone digging a mini hole into the ground, so they did dug a hole. Then they've saw people moving dried tree brunches to the hole, and so they did that.
Then they've saw people holding a mini box with red or green things sticking on the mini sticks.
They've also saw people scratching those mini sticks against the mini box.
And AMAZINGLY, they've saw FIRE bursting out of the mini sticks!
They've also saw people lighting up the dried tree brunches with the mini burning sticks.

They've copied every step they've seen and WALAH => FIRE!! but it didn't last long. The fire then quickly extinguished itself. So they've repeated the steps for many many many times, and suddenly, XH remembered something he learnt not long ago from his science class. He'd learnt that OXYGEN is needed for combustion. As soon as he tought about that, he and WeiWei and JJ started blowing as much air as possible into the hot brunches, and what did you know, FIRE!

JJ and XH quickly brought there chicken and fish to the nearest water resources to wash the dirt off, while WeiWei covered all his eggs into banana leaves and put them into direct fire. WeiWei at first taught his eggs will burn into black flakes blablabla. But 6 minutes later, he took the eggs back to their eating ground. He unwrapped the banana leaves and burnt his hand. Once the eggs cooled down, he cracked the eggs open. And what he found was astonishing, Hard Egg crust, and Soft egg core. What he really didn't expected but WOW. One words, YENG.

XH also cooked his chicken drum stick under the natural fire, with honey and chicken fat dropping and sizzling into the white hot firewood. It tasted sooo goood, ants started to chase him as soon as they sence the smell of the sweet damn nice chicken.

Hamster's group were cooking a whole chicken. It took about 2hours for it to cook. Even before it was done, everybody stoled a bite of Hamster's sizzling hot tasty chicken.

WeiWei later got abit bored, he took his pen knife out, and started to play CS (Counter Strike). He poked everyone with his sharp knife and annouced that :
"BloodyDeathZ has pwnd Sengod's head for 245 gold!
BloodyDeathZ drew first blood for 200 gold!"

Once everything was cooked, and everyone was done eating, everyone must help cleaning the rubbish they've created.

After all that, Mr.Richard Pang Khai Shuan was awarded with a bunch of badges for finishing his buku log USAHA followed by Sir.Alvin GUN.

After everything was done, everyone changed clothes and went home or eating.
DDZ's later went to have their proper lunch at a nearby local Mamak stall.
As usual, everyone called for a very traditional tasty Meggie Goreng.
What a day!

DDZs drinking Soya BEAN
Hamster made Chicken
Can you spot the fly?
Group photooo
JJ, please don't kill us
Look! flat head! Bien Bien

JJ and Ting Xian Killed somebody
Muushhh33 in action
NarNar's Fishhhyyyy!!! moommmmyyy!
The Girls and their FISH


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